Matina Karagiannidou Stambouli, ΠΑΡΘΕΝΑ ΑΠΑΖΙΔΟΥ, VASILIKI FOUDOULI, Apostolos Karapiperis, mary klostou, Andrew Papazachariou, Cybele Sousa de Lemos, Anna Szymanska, Stephanie Pelser, Ελένη Σάσσου, Αγάπη Κωφίδου, Ειρήνη Παντελίδου, Κατερίνα Τσολάκη, Χρύσα Κωνσταντινίδου , Κατάκαλος Μαλάμης, Γιώργος Βακαλόπουλος, Πηνελόπη Κολοβού, Ελίζα Ισαακίδου, Myrto Reiss, Sevasti Gialamatzaki, Patricia Delso, Valentina Roldos, Πάνος Μυλωνάς, Δημήτρης Δαλέζης, Reese Athanasiadis, Matthew Schlissel, ALEXANDRA JAMONT, Ceren Tuncer, EVAGGELOS KAMANATZIS , EKATERINI GIANNOULA, Diana Oprea, FILIPPOS MANDILARAS, Dimitra Patrikarakou, eirini kioutsouki, vicky koutsy, George Drakoglou, Irida Zhonga, Ivo Matevski, Roy Magnussen, Jurriaan Teulings, Αδαμοπούλου Ναταλία, fundraising party, Marios Mitrosilis, Poppy Maglara, Savvas Lespouridis, Ariadni Gerouki, Iasmi - Eleni Florou, Loukas Karampogias, Miriam Badino, Christos Nasioudis, Antti Vainio, Alexandru Tapardea, Δούρος Ιωάννης, Patricia Delso Lucas, Ruymán Peraza Romero, Vassilis Pnevmatikakis, Τριανταφυλλιά Δημοπούλου, Δάφνη Μουστακλίδου, Despoina Charavgi,Ilias Iordanidis, Saffo Papantonopoulou, Δάφνη Ράπτη, Maria Aua, Zacharias Mavroeidis, Ioannis Vouros, Ekaterini Giannoula, Adnan ünay, Στέφανος Κουρατζής, Eleftherios Papageorgiou, Τατιάνα Παππά, Christina Andreou, Nikos Kalpakis, Anna Varna, Charalampos Apostolidis, Αλεξάνδρα Διαμάντα, Ηλέκτρα Ιωάννου, Antonia Sachtleben, Georgios Chouris, Maria-Louiza Laopodi, Νίκος Σούλιος, Spyridon Kollias, Άγγελος Τσιμπίρης, Βαρδαρινός Βασίλειος, Χαμπίδου Ελένη, Despoina Tsiara, Billy Nikolousis, Αλέξανδρος Λαζαρίδης, Athanasios Vardarinos, Konstantina Lampropoulou, Αικατερίνη Μαλάμη and Αλεξάνδρα Διαμάντα Βαρδαρινού.
Thanks to Queen Olga special prices, some members of the crew enjoyed their stay in one of the most popular hotels in Thessaloniki.
Thanks to Dimello coffee for their kind offer of an espresso machine and the supply of all necessary materials.
All the special effects that imitate violent events were created with the kind support of Kryolan who sponsored us with all the necessary specialized film blood products.
Thanks to "all M cosmetics" for supplying us with professional makeup products for the actors of the film.
The furnishings for the interior scenes of the film were made possible through the generous sponsorship of furniture from the wide range collection of the Marmaridis company.
The ideal solution for the kitchen setting was supplied by EDIL Casa, member of EDIL Group Hellas. Special thanks to EDIL Casa for their sponsorship and their impeccable service.
Special thanks to Vitex for supplying their top paint products for the Noir Project film set.
Special thanks to the Municipality of Langada for their support and the hotel "Alexander the Great" at Langadas Baths for their warm hospitality.
Important scenes of the film were made possible thanks to the kind support and assistance of Astra Airlines.
With the kind support of Alpha Bank
A special acknowledgment is offered to NOMOS Law Firm for the legal support offered for the fulfillment of The Noir Project.
NOMOS Law Firm
1 Valaoritou St.
546 26 Thessaloniki, Greece
T +30 2310 239 104
M+30 6940 914 342
F +30 2310 222 405